Monday, March 22, 2010

Logo Redesign Project-CGT25100

I decided to redesign the Internet Movie Database logo, better known as IMDb, because I thought it was outdated and didn't express what the website had evolved into over the years. To me, IMDb is a place to connect with those in the movie, television, and video game business. Because the website is so universal, I wanted to create a logo that was also universal. I think the countdown screen that was used in old movies, as well as television, is something that is recognizable to most. I think the logo turned out well, and hopefully it is a good description of the website in logo form.


  1. Compared to the "golden ticket" logo they have going on, I like this one a lot better. While I understand the golden ticket, it more looks like a flat banner, your logo actually gives the audience some insight as to what they can expect from the site. Nice work!

  2. I like what you, did. As I saw your other sketchwork, I thought you had a very tough decision to make. You definately upgraded this site's logo as it was not that appealing. Good Job!

  3. I really like your concept here. I think it was a good way to make it work. Good job.
